ZeroAI Technologies Inc.

Your Digital Existence Is About To Change

First Zambian AI Consultancy Agency providing High Quality Software development, ZeroAi Technologies Inc, Everything Technology. 

The Sky's The Limit

We Develop Unique Applications That Help Your Business Grow

We are a next-generation global technology company that helps enterprises redefine their businesses for the digital age.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

Artificial Intelligence

We have extensive expertise in developing advanced AI applications.

Web Development

Through our tailored services, we aim at complying with the given business goals.

Robotics & Automation

Powerful applications that carry out repetitive processes without need of human intervention.

Strategy And Consulting

Get AI expert advice and see your business grow with up to date technologies

Online Training

Keep your skills sharp with our IT experts, for both organization teams and individuals


we have the technology solutions you are looking for, available for you 24/7.

Lottie Mukuka


Mando Chiundaponde

Chief Advisor

our work inspires smiles

The Faces Behind Our Success

We understand You

what makes us defferent ?

Where Can you Expect Us ?

Why Believe In Us ?

We maybe small but are well set up having a reach and representatives in  7+ countries,
we make sure our clients have at least someone close to home for convenience
sake, our clients are always top priority.

Drive Innovation​

We collaborate with our clients to drive true innovation the kind that transforms an idea into an industry enabling them to achieve a competitive advantage.

Technology Driven

We push for development of new goods or services based on standard technical abilities, we first make the keys then look for the locks to open, we are you number one solution.

Future Motivated

We collaborate with our clients to drive true innovation the kind that transforms an idea into an industry enabling them to achieve a competitive advantage.

Do You Want To Boost Your Business?

drop us a line and keep in touch